Whatever path we choose, it is vitally important that we cultivate the practice of Retreating. This is the opportunity to withdraw from our mortal lives to give ourselves the space to develop a depth to our spiritual practice.

Many retreats are held in the Silence to fully cultivate this depth, but many also have opportunities to meet and talk with fellow retreatants, hear an inspiring spiritual talk and participate in an uplifting discussion. Reading Spiritual books, gentle exercise such as Yoga and walking as well as sharing meals together, help nurture this depth.

There is great strength in coming together as a group to meditate allowing the ‘Stillness’ to build and helping us to cultivate the peace more deeply. While in retreat, a Centre will put on hold its normal functions, creating the right conditions for this ‘Stillness’ to blossom, and provide the opportunity for you to live alongside their Spiritual family.

We refrain from the five senses so that we may connect inwardly. As we ‘let go’ of all these mortal aspects the body will gradually quieten down and a real sense of freedom from all of these habitual patterns will develop, creating more space for the Inner life to grow.

We will be fed on all levels, and as a result, will develop clarity to seemingly insolvable problems, insight into our next steps in life, and an unshakeable calm in going Andrew Fentiman
